In case you have missed it, I just thought I would share a little project I'm working on (if you follow me on instagram or facebook, you might already know this!) There's a challenge put on by The Great Discontent to do something creative for 100 days and post about it. I had heard about it through another instagram account I follow about a month ago and was intrigued, but didn't think much on it until a week ago or so. I'll share what I wrote for my intro post on instagram as an way to introduce you to my project:
I've been feeling a lot of pressure the past two weeks... Pressure to perform, to create for others, and if I'm honest, to create for money. But the funny thing is, no one is expecting that from me- I'm putting that pressure on. I'm hearing voices that don't exist, telling me to do better, make more, succeed.
So. I've decided to take part in#the100dayproject despite being over halfway late. But this won't be for any purpose except to simply create- to challenge myself to make something everyday simply because I want to and enjoy the process. Also, an act of worship, because this gift is not my own.
So far, it's been such a freeing experience and I'm finding that creating with no pressure at all is giving me more passion about what I'm making! It's a little daunting to think about making 100 paintings in 100 days, but I'm giving myself some leeway because for me this isn't just about the challenge, but the removal of pressure in my creative life! If you would like to follow along, follow me on Instagram and to see all of the paintings together at any point, just follow the hashtag, #100daysofpaintingsbyJenni.