Posts tagged blog
Commission: Food Clipart

A couple of months ago, I was approached by Brita of B.Britnell food blog, asking if I ever would create detail paintings for a blog. I was more than thrilled because this is exactly the type of thing I would love to be able to do more of! Brita has a lovely blog with some delicious looking recipes and it was SO fun to make these details for her. I would even go so far as to say it may be one of my favourite commissions yet. So keep this in mind all you readers with a blog...I'm looking to do more! Brita wanted simple designs and to keep in line with the feel of her blog, I decided to paint them quite colourful and bright. If you're feeling adventurous, head on over to her site and see if you can find them- it's like a game of Where's Waldo! But while you're there, be sure to also take a look at her tasty treats- I know my mouth was drooling over a few. And below you'll find a process shot along with the finished products:

If you are looking for a way to spruce up your internet space by adding small details or a new header, I would love, love, LOVE to create something for you. Especially to expand my skills in that area. If this interests you, please do send me a line at! 

Life Lately: May
I'm giving you a small glimpse into my life lately- you may recognize a few if you follow me on instagram. My days have been filled with all kinds of things. Days are becoming exciting as glimpses of summer start to make an appearance. There's all kinds of newness popping up all over the place and generally days are relaxing and creative. 

From the top // 1. A relaxing walk on the beach overlooking Vancouver downtown. This heron took off just as I was able to pull out my camera. // 2. Along the same beach are multitudes of small rabbits hopping all over and tame as can be- perhaps Peter lost his coat? // 3. A favourite pastime...collecting shells. // 4. My new business cards came in! I'm so pleased- they are exactly as I envisioned. // 4. Working on a project for The Common Creative blog. Keep your eyes peeled next week! // 5. I've added postcards to my shop! These are a great way to send a quick but special greeting. // 6. Enjoying the little bit of sunshine that we get streaming into our windows in the early morning.