Posts tagged sketch
Herb Paintings // Work in Progress

My painting days have been filled with tiny paintings lately. These are all going toward a series that will eventually turn into a product for the shop. It's been a really fun project to work on and I'll be excited to share it when it's all finished. I've been feeling so very inspired by botanicals and herbs- I suppose that comes with spring and all the newness popping up everywhere! Spring is such a dream...

What's In My Sketchbook: Bunnies
Doing a little morning sketching as I finish my coffee. Although I'm only just starting to think in Christmas terms, I'm also already thinking about a project for spring! Ah, the life of a creator. I've been finding it hard to stay motivated this week. Today is the first day with a hint of sunshine and suddenly, I'm all about productivity. It's funny how rain has such an effect on my mood. Well, I'm going to take advantage of this and get as much done as I can today! A few things:

If you missed it, one thing I did accomplish this week was writing a post on podcasts to listen to as you work. Check it out over at The Common Creative

Also, I'm starting to receive pre-orders for Christmas Cards! Make sure to get your order in to receive your cards in time for sending them out. There are a limited number available and I'll be sending them out in about 2 weeks.

Did you know that if you subscribe by email, you can receive special promotions for email subscribers only? It's true. You'll also receive an email update anytime I have a new post. I'll be sending out exclusive sale codes for my Etsy shop before Christmas and throughout the new year. Just enter your email where it says, "follow by email" to the left :)

Happy Wednesday!
Behind the Scenes
This is what my art life has looked like lately. Everything started, nothing finished. Well that's not completely true- I did finish the butterfly painting, but it was a gift and I completely forgot to snap a finished product shot! My sketchbook is finally getting filled again, though. I've got lots of ideas and I'm attempting to remember to sketch them down rather than leaving them jumbled about in my head! You may have seen this last shot on Instagram, but that was the cropped version. As you can see, I pushed a whole lot of clutter out of the way to make a cleaner final shot. I especially like my foot poking out on this one ;) Oh the things we do to alter reality! 

Although I don't have much to show for the work that I'm doing, all of this behind the scenes stuff tends to take up a fair amount of time so I feel like I've been working hard! I'm thinking ahead for once in my life and planning projects months in advance. Including...Christmas cards! I know, it sounds a little early, especially when Thanksgiving hasn't even passed yet, but in order to get them ready to sell in November for all of the eager beavers, I'm taking action now. Keep an eye out in the weeks ahead for more on that. 

And one more thing, be on the lookout for a small announcement to be published very soon...ah the suspense!